Posted on 12/15/2020

Your car's alternator is one of its most vital parts, keeping the battery charged while driving by converting mechanical energy from the pulley into electricity. There are hundreds of electrical wires buried inside your car that rely on the alternator for power. With such a responsibility, alternators are made to be durable and usually last for up to 10 years without much maintenance. That being said, there are a lot of components inside the alternator which can break down or wear out. The Components of an Alternator Stator and Rotor: With one static and one rotating (we'll let you guess which is which), these components work together to convert energy into electricity. Diodes: The diodes take the alternating current generated by the stator and rotor and turn it into a direct current. This ensures it travels in one direction, to charge the battery. Voltage Regulator: This maintains the voltage so it doesn ... read more
Posted on 11/27/2020

Manufacturers designed modern suspension systems to last without wear up to 75,000 miles. This makes suspension problems challenging to notice or diagnose. Major suspension damage symptoms can be occurring but may be mistaken for everyday wear or other types of issues. A healthy suspension system keeps your vehicle performing optimally by providing a smooth, safe drive. Recognizing the first signs of trouble can prevent minor issues from turning into major costly repairs. Below are five indicators that your suspension system should be inspected. The drive is bumpy. A common sign of suspension damage is your drive becoming more rough and bumpy. One way to tell whether there’s an issue, park your car and press your entire weight onto the front of your vehicle. If your car bounces up and down more than three times, have your shocks and struts inspected. And also, make a note of any creaking or squeaking sounds for the automotive technician. Your vehicle is more ... read more
Posted on 10/29/2020

When your wheels are in alignment, they operate at their maximum potential. Proper alignment promotes longevity by preventing premature wear. Tires are sensitive, and environmental factors and road hazards make maintaining steady alignment difficult. Routine wheel alignments can help prevent any long-term damage while also giving the additional benefit of better fuel economy. Getting an alignment service doesn’t just ensure a smooth ride; it prevents expensive suspension repairs that can appear later down the road. An alignment service involves adjusting the suspension angles, so the tires make better contact with the road. Below are three of the most common signs that it’s time to schedule an alignment service. The tires are wearing unevenly. The steering wheel has started to shake or vibrate. You have to force the steering wheel to remain straight. The drive is bumpy even though you’re driving on ... read more
Posted on 9/24/2020

Outside of the typical road noise that sets the backdrop to your radio music, a drive shouldn’t be too loud. If you notice that your vehicle is making noises that sound like bangs, clangs, or squeaks, it could be communicating that something is mechanically wrong. Below is a list of the most common sounds that indicate an inspection should be scheduled. Screeching If you press the brake pedal and hear a high-pitched screech, it may be time to get the brake pads changed. Brake pads prevent friction between them and the steel backing plate; without them, the vehicle can’t adequately stop. Growling If you notice a growling sound while turning your vehicle, this can indicate that there’s an impending problem with the power-steering pump. Hissing A hissing sound can indicate a leak with a tube or joint within the cooling system. If there’s a leak within the cooling system, the car can overheat, severely damaging the sys ... read more
Posted on 8/31/2020

Smartphones and vehicle phone holders have revolutionized our driving experience by ten-fold. Today, nearly all auto manufacturers incorporate Android Auto and Apple Car-play inside the modern vehicle’s infotainment system. The average driver now has a boundless amount of information they can access from their steering wheel. While you shouldn’t be clicking apps while driving, cellphone holders allow apps to become helpful hands free options. Below are a few common driving apps that may prove themselves essential and improve your drive: Parkopedia If you live in a big city and constantly struggle with parking, Parkopedia may be helpful. Parkopedia covers about 15,000 cities, offering 70 million different parking spaces. The Lifesaver App The Lifesaver app is the perfect app for parents and business owners. This app eliminates distractions by locking your phone once you start driving. It keeps essentials like GPS still functioning. The key ... read more