Posted on 3/15/2022

When you refer to a car stalling, it simply means that your engine has shut off abruptly. Unfortunately, a vehicle may stall in any situation due to various mechanical problems. Sometimes, it may occur right after starting up or even on the road. As you can assume, engine stalling mid-drive can be especially dangerous. Thus, it is important for drivers to understand what can cause their cars to stall. Problems That Can Lead to Engine Stalling There are several malfunctioning parts that can cause your vehicle to stall: Out of Gas If you've been ignoring the low gas light for a while, an empty gas tank can surely turn off your engine. Insufficient Fuel to Air Ratio An uneven fuel mixture may also cause your engine to stall, especially when it is not concentrated enough. Broken Fuel Pump If your fuel pump stops working, your engine will not receive the fuel it needs to run. You will likely need a tow to an auto repair shop for fuel pump repairs. Electrical Issues A dead batt ... read more
Posted on 2/18/2022

It's not unknown that driving at night is much more challenging and dangerous than driving during the daytime. In fact, statistics have shown that vehicle collisions are three times more likely to occur at night. The lack of light and visibility is the number one explanation for the increased likelihood. Not only is it harder to see the road and objects in the distance, but other vehicle lights can cause glares and blind you. We've put together these safe driving tips for the evening and night to protect yourself and optimize your visibility. Keep a Clean Windshield - Dirty, cloudy, or damaged windshields can cause the light from other vehicles to scatter across the surface. To ensure you can see clearly through your glass surfaces, we recommend getting in the habit of cleaning them. Remember to wipe off both the inside and out. Additionally, top off on windshield washer fluid to ensure it's readily available. Use High Beams Wisely - At Four Car Garage, we encourage you t ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2022

It's no secret that oil changes are necessary to keep your car running and your engine in good shape. While you may know the importance of oil changes, do you know how often your car needs one? And how do you keep track? If you can't remember the last time you had an oil change, that's probably a sign in itself. Below are some significant signs that scream that you're overdue for an oil change: Engine Oil Is Dark, Clumpy, or Gritty If you want to be a more responsible car owner, you should check your oil regularly. While the amount of oil in the reservoir is a crucial factor, so is the condition of the oil. Healthy and functional motor oil is usually a honey or brown color. If you notice that your oil looks dark, dirty, or both, it's time to schedule an oil service with your mechanic. Unusual Engine Noises When you drive, your car shouldn't make any noticeable sounds. Since oil serves as a lubricant for your engine, it will start making weird sounds when it ... read more
Posted on 12/21/2021

The timing belt is a critical component of the engine that keeps the camshaft and crankshaft in sync. When it breaks, it causes a lot of problems for you and your car. Timing belts are durable rubber with steel or polyester cords running through them. These belts are wrapped around the crankshaft, connecting to the camshaft at one end, and then to an idler pulley at the other end. If your engine is not operating smoothly or has low power, your timing belt could cause it. It is essential to get the car checked out by a professional as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the vehicle. What Is a Timing Belt? The timing belt is an essential part of your engine. It keeps everything in time with each other, which is why it's called a timing belt. A timing belt is a rubber timing gear that synchronizes the rotation of the camshaft with the crankshaft. The timing belt or timing chain can connect the camshaft to the distributor shaft. It controls ... read more
Posted on 11/29/2021

Every vehicle has a long list of warning lights that sometimes makes an appearance. But the one that most car owners dread the most is the check engine light. This yellow light is a signal that something is wrong, most of the time, engine-related. So what do you do when it comes on? And what does it mean? Today, we will be answering those questions. Not all check engine lights mean the same thing; some circumstances are more urgent than others, so please pay attention. If your light only lights up in specific scenarios and turns off, you should pay close attention to how your vehicle performs when it is on. If the light stays on, without any noticeable performance problems, you should still take your car to a mechanic. He or she will be able to decode the computer to see if there's a problem that needs to be fixed. If the light stays on and you DO experience vehicle performance issues, you should take it to a mechanic. If the light is on and blinking, please pull ... read more