Posted on 7/21/2021

A radiator leak is highly concerning because your car relies on its engine coolant to keep the engine at the optimal temperature. With a radiator leak, your engine is at risk of overheating. If you notice a leak, please take your vehicle to The Four Car Garage for an inspection immediately. Here are the most common causes behind a leaking radiator: Coolant Subpar, cheap, watery, or even the wrong engine coolant will prompt your vehicle to overheat. When this happens, it isn't so much that your radiator is leaking, but it is simply expelling the bad stuff out. Heater Core Your vehicle's heater core can affect the temperature of your engine. When it is faulty or failing, it can trigger your engine to overheat. When the engine overheats, coolant is forced out of the radiator. Additionally, if your heater core fails, you won't turn on the heat in the winter. Rust Over time, sediment often builds up inside your radiator and its hoses and hose ... read more
Posted on 6/23/2021

We're heading to the height of summer, and you can expect the temperatures to increase to unbearable levels. It becomes even worse when you're driving your car with a faulty air conditioning or climate control system. On really hot days, sometimes even rolling down the windows can't help cool the car. That's why it is critical to have your AC repaired in time to ensure you enjoy a quality, cool ride in summer. Signs and Symptoms of a Bad Car AC System If your car has an AC issue, it will warn you by exhibiting signs and symptoms that can sometimes be difficult to ignore. They include the following: Unusual Noises Coming from The AC Compressor Leaking Fluids from The AC System Stuck or Damaged AC Compressor Clutch AC Unable to Cool the Interior Atmosphere Reasons to Get Your AC Serviced Your Comfort on the Road Driving without a working air conditioning system can be extremely uncomfortable, especially in the summer heat. It can also be dangerous. Getting in ... read more
Posted on 5/19/2021

As your car comes out of a cold winter and into warmer weather, you may want to give attention to the following five areas that are affected by the change in the climate. Here are five car care tips for this summer. Care Tip #1 – Battery In winter your battery is taxed by the coldness of the engine. In summer it is more prone to corrosion and fatigue due to the heat. It is a good idea to have your terminals cleaned and to check the battery charge levels during the summer months. Care Tip #2 – Air Conditioner In summer, A good air conditioner is a working air conditioner. Pop over to our shop to have your AC tested and to have the refrigerator gas topped up if needed. You'll be impressed by the improvement in its performance. Care Tip #3 – Tires Tires gain about 1 PSI for every 10 degrees Fahrenheit it gets hotter outside. Using a pressure gauge, regularly check your tire pressure. Do the same for your spare tire to avoid nasty surprises. To check your tire ... read more
Posted on 4/23/2021
A car tune-up is basically a form of preventive maintenance done on a car to make sure that it continues to run well. Generally, it is recommended that tune-ups are done every three thousand miles or about three months. Even though the cars of today can go for many miles and last much longer, all cars still perform preventative maintenance. Typically, a tune-up involves checking the engine, adding new oil, checking the fluid levels, and any other maintenance it may need. Does your car need a tune-up? The simple answer to this question is: Yes. Your car needs a tune-up, especially if it has been in your possession for quite some time now and if it hasn't been serviced yet. A timely check of the car's condition is important. The first thing on your car maintenance schedule should be the oil change. Every vehicle operates differently, meaning that your mileage will vary depending on how the vehicle is driven and maintained. In order to get an accurate estimate of how often the v ... read more
Posted on 3/16/2021
A catalytic converter reduces harmful emissions from a vehicle's exhaust to less toxic substances. It is a crucial component of a car's exhaust system and is located between the engine and the muffler. Like most other components, a catalytic converter will get damaged, broken, clogged, and malfunctioned. Usually, a faulty catalytic converter will alert you with these 5 signs before it completely fails. The Check Engine Light Illuminates Your vehicle's internal computer uses the check light engine to signify internal car problems. When the computer detects that the catalytic converter is not catalyzing the gases as it should, it will set off the engine light to notify the driver of an impending problem. Please note that other internal car problems can also cause the engine light to illuminate. That is why it is important that you leave your vehicle's diagnosis and repair to professional technicians. Degraded Engine Performance Here is one of the most common indicator ... read more