Posted on 1/31/2022
It's no secret that oil changes are necessary to keep your car running and your engine in good shape. While you may know the importance of oil changes, do you know how often your car needs one? And how do you keep track? If you can't remember the last time you had an oil change, that's probably a sign in itself. Below are some significant signs that scream that you're overdue for an oil change: Engine Oil Is Dark, Clumpy, or Gritty If you want to be a more responsible car owner, you should check your oil regularly. While the amount of oil in the reservoir is a crucial factor, so is the condition of the oil. Healthy and functional motor oil is usually a honey or brown color. If you notice that your oil looks dark, dirty, or both, it's time to schedule an oil service with your mechanic. Unusual Engine Noises When you drive, your car shouldn't make any noticeable sounds. Since oil serves as a lubricant for your engine, it will start making weird sounds when it ... read more