The cooling system is one of the most important parts of the automobile, yet it is often overlooked and forgotten about. Think about it – your vehicle’s engine would simply overheat all the time. When this part of your vehicle is not working, you know you’re in deep trouble. Read on to learn about the most common symptoms of cooling system problems.
1. Your Temperature Gauge Is Rising
One of the most obvious signs that your car is overheating and requires cooling system repairs is a high temperature gauge reading. If you notice the needle pointing up higher and higher as you drive, you should pull over immediately to cool off your car. We recommend getting a tow so that you can recover your vehicle’s cooling system and avoid engine damage.
2. Your Coolant Levels Are Low
Checking your coolant is key to maintaining a healthy vehicle. If you constantly have to top off your fluid, you might have a leak. Another indication is if you see a bright-colored fluid puddle underneath your car. Coolant can be yellow, orange, green, pink, or purple. Another way to distinguish it is by its sweet, syrupy smell. If you find a leak similar to this description, please have your cooling system checked right away.
3. You Hear Strange Engine Sounds
Have you caught your motor making hissing, squealing, or rattling sounds from under the hood? If so, you should probably check it out. A noisy engine is an indication that something is wrong, relating to a lack of lubrication or coolant.
If you notice any of the above mentioned signs, please bring your car to the local experts at Four Car Garage for an inspection and repairs. We can fix you up quickly so that you can drive with confidence again. Feel free to call or fill out our online form to make an appointment today.